Mon 27 Jan
=*Ready To Play?=* Let Me Show You A Good Time That Will B/ow Your Mind!!* - 24
(Springfield, Springfield mo)
* NotHiNg SwEeTeR tHeN HoNey! SeXy& CuRvY SoUtHeRn ReDhEaDeD CuTiE w/A bOoTy!! $pecial$ - 27
(Springfield, *Branson*Joplin)
Sat 11 Jan
MiDwEsTs FiNeSt!! cOmE n tAsTe ThIs HoNey!!! $100* oUtCaLL* $pEcIaL* ~TrUcKeR * FrIeNdLy~ - 27
(Springfield, & sUrRoUnDiNg *oUtCaLL $pecial*)
NotHiNg SwEeTeR tHeN HoNey! ThiCkn SeXy SoUtHeRn ReDhEaDeD CuTiE w/A bOoTy!! 100$pecial$ - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding *$incall special$)
Thu 09 Jan
pReTTy As HeAvEn sWeeT aS hELL, bEsTmOuTh iN tHe SoUtH!! $pEcIaL$ 80oUtCaLLs - 27
(Springfield, *& sUrRoUnDiNg *oUtCaLL $pecial*)
Tue 07 Jan