Mon 27 Jan
sexee sassy fun wild n classy the new girl sammi ready to play - 23
(Springfield, s springfield incall)
SFLD*+* YoUr 1 StOp FaNtAsY ShOp!!*+* I Got EvErYthInG U NeEd! *UnRuShEd &UnFoRgEtTaBLe; - 26
(Springfield, *^*SFLD*FLW*BRANSON&SURR.;(IN/OUT)*+*)
SEDUCTIVE ♥ Curvy ♥ YUMMY ♥ Big Booty ♥ MAKAYLA **REVIEWS!** - 31
(Springfield, Spfld/FLW/Branson/Joplin/TRAVEL!!)
Sweet 🍭 & W!ld PlayTime with One Classy Sexy 🍫🍫 Queen - 23
(Spfld Branson & Surrounding Areas, Springfield)
Slim, Sexy, & Ready !! For You Baby!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In your arms ;))
°°o©° COME °°o©° SEE °° o©° WHAT°°o© YOU'VE °° o© BEEN °MISSING°° o© - 20
(Springfield, and surrounding areas. OUTcallONLY)
NoT uR aVeR.bP GiRL*(NeW) ThiCk,BLoNdE, PeTiTe*Others Cant Compete! (incalls all day!) - 23
($pfld¤iNcaLL~oUtCaLL(DO TRAVEL dep), Springfield)
Peтιтe & SաҽҽԵ💕 ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ💋 ƒяєαкy 5 ⭐【¥OUR # ❶ Cнoιce Døll Baвy 🎀】 ✰•••💦Ft. Wood💦 - 24
(Springfield, St. Robert- Waynesville)
Petite ♡♥ F l i R T Y_ ♥ _ S e X y _ ♥ _ F u N _ ♥_ B o M B S H e L L ♥♡ - 18
(Springfield, North Springfield in/out 24/7)
👑●❣●⭐*• :•.🌟👑.•: *●❣ ●💢SExY * •●❣●💢CURVECIOUS •●❣●💢BLONDE*•●❣● • * Bombshell🌟.•: ⭐♥⭐●❣● - - - 25
(Springfield, springfield,mo/joplin)
_ _ _Sexy _ _ _ _ _ Sweet _ _ _ _ _ Sensual _ _ _ _ _ Erotic _ _ _ _ _ Passionate _ _ _ _ _ Playmate - 18
(Springfield, 100 IN or OUT)
REVIEWED*▓ ▒ ☆L✪ ✪K❤ ▒ ▓ *❤ ☑150 SPECIAL❤ ☑ LiL VIXEN❤ ☑ ExotiC EyeS ❤ ☑Lucious BootY *•.❤ ▒ ▓ - 25
(Springfield, S-Field In/Out)
^~♥~^~ RED ROOM ADVENTURES START HERE... ~^~♥~^ Visiting 10/8 - 10/10 - 30
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
NEW...✨👄💫100% SeXy🌟 MiXed BoMbShElL 💖✦❣ 💯% ➜💦 【HIGHLY SKILLED 😏📲 Ft. Wood - 23
(Springfield, fort Leonard Wood (surrounding areas))
(¯`•★•´¯) PETITE BuStY bRuNeTTe BoMbShEll :::☆::: *80* AVAIL NOW (¯`•★•´¯) - 24
(Kansas City, NOLAND RD)
🌟💯% ME ‼️No Regrets💞ExoTic petite PLAYMATE Bring your 🌂 it's SUPER 💦 ‼️ 🌟 - 22
(Springfield, N. Springfield‼️springfield 🏪)
* ~ Mouthwatering $killz that will drive you wild ~ * $80 hh incall $pecial .... - 25
(Springfield, springfield northside)
i accidently put the wrong number earlier. please try again babe 😘 Im super bored - 27
(Springfield, N. Springfield)
Incall & outcall SPECIALS let ASHLEY keep U COMING wit these SOFT LUSICIOUS LIPS💋💋 - 21
(St. Louis, St Louis city/ county incall/outcall)
==★EXOTIC BEAUTY PARIS...true to the definition of escort great companionship for businessmen==★ - 22
(Springfield, outcall/incall)
hey SPRINGFIELD guys come SNEAK away and get a pre FATHERS DAY special with a OKLAHOMA girl!!! 50hr - 23
Gorgeous Dominican Goddess ///Nikki is new to Vegas and ready to explore new adventures... - 23
(Kansas City, North of the Strip)
%%%%%% !!!!!! $exy fun €aramel €ompassion !!!!!! %%%%%% - 22
Gorgeous Young Lady Ready To Meet - 24
(Columbia/Jeff City, Hotel Incall, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
***DON'T MISS OUT!*** ✦ :-• IT L(•)(•)KS G(•)(•)D ....BUT____ FEELS___ EVEN_____ BETTER •-: ✦ - - 22
Classy,ExOtiC, DiScReet, UnRu$hEd 💋 SfLdS FiNeSt iS BK& iN JopLiN! AvAiL☎ NOW - 28
(Springfield, SFLD&SurrArEaS;**JOPLIN**)
Com£ Enjoy You®self The Real Way!!! The B£$t !!! - 21
(270 dunn rd... (incalls/outcalls), St. Louis)
----- --- --- ---- --- Chocolate Makes A Great Late Night Snack ---- --- --- --- - - 20
(Springfield, ft.wood st.robert)
(Springfield, ☎ IN & OUT (VISITING) ☎)
Sun 12 Jan
-:¦:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:- - 20
(Springfield, South Springfield)
$50 specials where42 DD/36/44 417*396*3519 Sweetes girl on backpage love to kiss and cuddle!! - 26
(Springfield, nixa branson willow springs)
░░░▊✫✨ AVAiL ✨✫▊▊░░░▊▊✫✨ REAL ✨✫▊▊░░░▊▊✫✨ GENUINE ✨✫▊░░ ✨✫▊░░░▊▊ ✫✨ BABE ✨ - 21
(Springfield, Springfield surrounding areas)
💋💕💄 ERoTiC💜 BLoNDe 💜 PL@YM@Te 💜💋💕💄 new in town!!! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield INCALLS 420friendly)
Come One; come All! SeXy Southren Entertainment! Incall&OutCall;👄TruCkeR Friendly!!💋☎352-469-0383☎ - 24
(Springfield, Springfield and Surrounding areas)
Sat 11 Jan
S'E'X'Y ______ N'E'W ___ C'U'R'V'Y____ _ W'I'L'D__ ___ B'U'S'T'Y ____ B'E'A'U'T'Y (B=L=O=N=D=E )
(iincall north springfield)
°o♥o° CaRAMeL CuTIe ——(( *PURe PaSSION* ))—— No RuSh!! °o♥o° - 25
(Springfield, Springfield/Branson Area Outcalls)
It's the Season 🎄🎁🎀 Treat YOURSELF🎁🎀 💦💦JUICY Peach 🍑X.X.X💦💦 😘 - 28
(In/out 🎄🎄 Holiday Special 😉, Springfield)
Ft.Leonard Wood 💋Blonde BOMBSHELL 💋💎 hot new girl in town 💕 100% real - 21
(Springfield, fort Leonard Wood (surrounding areas))
▓▉▆★ ▓ ▓▉▆★ Come SEE WhY SEXI LEXi is AT the T0P Of EvEryBoDy XMas LIST ▓▉▆★ ▓▉▆★ - 25
$80! avail.24/7 LAST NIGHT HERE BOYS!!!! sweetest girl on backpage love to kiss and cuddle! - 26
♥==> (_!_)HIGHLY REVIEWED(_!_) SeXy *NaTuRaL RedHead* "FiRe"w/ Booty
(Springfield, Springfield(incall))
100% REAL NO DRAMA just SATISFACTION call B@ILY @ 41738094eight2 - 25
(Springfield, $pringfield in& out calls)
★•2 ___ [DROP] ___ •★• ___ [DEAD] ___ •★• ___ [GORGEOUS] ___ •★ SEXY - n0w - 20