Mon 27 Jan
The early bird get the worm come n rumble with me sweet n sexy renia!!!!!!! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield, missouri)
★ T_I_G_H_T & TONED ★ Sweet to the Core ★ Waiting on YOU! - 26
• • • • • • ► S e x y • • T r e a t ◄ • • • • • • - - Available NoW - 29
(Springfield, IN & OUTCALL 24/7)
Petite *¨¨*. ✿ .*¨¨* La La Luscious *¨¨*. ✿ .*¨¨* Sweet ** back by popular demand - 21
(Springfield, springfield//branson)
Outcalls Only And Travels all night Feel The Heat That Comes From This Hottie - 28
(Springfield, north glenstone springfield,mo)
♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e - 23
(Springfield, springfield/my place)
( NEW) *★* SO HOT *★* SEXY:-) *★ * BRUNETTE ( NEW) - 24
(Springfield, Springfield in & outcall)
NEW AnGeLfAcE ** ThIcK WaIsT ** 100%ME or Itz FREE!! 70$pecials all night! - 26
(Springfield, springfield(INcallsONLY))
★ RELAXATION ★ No FuSs ★ No RuSh 100% ALL US SaTiSfAcTiOn GuArEnTeEd ★ 100% real 2 for 2 Special - 28
(¯`•★•´¯) PETITE BuStY bRuNeTTe BoMbShEll :::☆::: *80* AVAIL NOW (¯`•★•´¯) - 24
(Kansas City, NOLAND RD)
»»» NEW BEST 100 SPECiAL N SPRiNGFIELD ««« Carmel Juicy Booty + Hour Glass Frame
(Springfield, Springfield & LEAVE 100% Satisfied ¡)
P.Y.T. >~AnGeL fAcE, with a ThIcK wAiSt!!!~>. dOn't mIsS oUt! eArLyByRd $pEcIaL$ - 26
(Springfield, Springfield,Mo)
New Brunnette, Will Make U Sweat! 21 And Lovin It! AsK AbOuT 2 GiRlz *All Natural 40DDs* - 21
(Springfield, Springfield And Surrounding)
💟Melissa💟💟Foxx💟💟 STOP 💥[[A MUST See]] 💁Seductive VixXxeN 🍰🎂watch it 😍((Wiggle))&((JiGGle)) 😛 - 19
(Springfield, IN or Out call all surrounding areas)
♥ LOV€LY LaDY LuMPs ♥ ((SexY)) »» CaRaMEL B0Y_T0Y «« ((H0TT)) *PLeaSuRe N0W* - 25
(Springfield, Springfield In or Out)
💋 Looking for More? Feeling Lonely? Need Attention? Want to be DeSiReD?🔥Nelli 417-599-4759📞 - 25
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
💔 let my lips show u how southern girls do it better *50* special spgfld/branson incall/outcall - 35
(Springfield, spfld and branson area incall and outcal)
【JuiCyBooTy】↹↹ 【LusCious THighs】↹↹ 【SOft LíPs】 ↹↹【NiCE Tits】↹↹【 - 99
(Springfield, Springfield Outcall Only)
😍💦Incall & Outcall♥ #❶ Top Provider [✔] 👅 🕛Avaliable Now!! 💗 - 22
(Springfield, Willing to travel to you)
Gentlemen only PLZ :-) º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º¤ø .¸¸,ø¤º - 23
(Springfield, ATTN º¤ø,¸¸,øFt. Leonard Wood)
✨ ft leonardwood area💕💕Cherri Kandi 💕💕 573-337-8219 🎶 - 38
(Fort leonardwood area💕💕💕💗💕, Springfield)
* *(¯`' .. '´¯) F R E A K Y ♥W H I T E ♥G I R L (¯`' .. '´¯) * * - 24
(Springfield, *Springfield*)
°.*¤~ Hey gentleman its the 1 and only Classy Mrs.Cassie CALL ME! ~¤*.° - 23
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
Sun 12 Jan
aLL nAutRaL rEdHoTT ReDhEaD! out call $pEcIAl$ TrUcKeR fRiEnDly - 27
(Springfield, Spfld/north side)
1w$00% REAL HIGH CLASS IM BAILY @$k @ my $pecial$)}@ 41738094eight2 - 25
(Springfield, & $urrounding towns in& out calls)
Caramel Diamond ~ with a body of a goddess * $80 specials - 23
(Springfield, Springfield In & Outcalls)
Sat 11 Jan
○Sweet&discreet;○•° professional○● UPscale□ ○ ○●•°417 920 8535♡Gentlemen only!♢ - 26
(Springfield, Springfield & Branson areas)
NEW AnGeLfAcE ** ThIcK WaIsT ** 100%ME or Itz FREE!! 80$pecials80 - 26
(Springfield, springfield(INcallsONLY))
‼️BRAND NEW ‼️Dirty FUN Naughty Girl 🙋 SatuRdaY NITE FEVER 💋💋 Hurry Don't Miss Out👤💘 - 19
*YoUll HaVe FUN w/ Me!(;-->Im SO SeXy aNd TiiiiGhT As F***!(; *BaNgIn BoDy BlOnDiE!!** - 19
(Springfield, Springfield MO)