Mon 27 Jan
SweeT Petite Little Treat PerKy Bøøbies & SMøkiN HøT BøDy Visiting - 24
Sexy CURVY BLONDE!♡816-988-1777 I LOVE 2..♡SPECIALS♡come have fun CALL NOW ☆ 24/7 - 25
(incall north kc & downtown, Kansas City)
🌺~{*NEW!!!*}~🌺[Im ThE BEST!!!]~⭐SeXy BlOnDe BaBe‼ ⭐~📞☎ 417-422-1945 ☎📞~ClAsSy, UpScAlE PrOvIdEr - 22
Pure 100% satisfaction / experience you will never forget - specials available * Jazmine - 24
(Springfield, Springfield MO and surrounding area)
™OnE of A KiND mixed H0TtIE {{ AMaZiNG SKiLLz }} 8===> SuP€R Sexxi ARMoNi
(Springfield, Springfield/Branson/Joplin)
L(O)(O)KING 4 A QUALITY Reviewed Provider? Call Me! ❤ Reviews!!! - 25
(springfield..always available)
••♥• N°a°U°g°H°t°Y •♥•[[ Perfect ]]•♥• HoTTiE •♥•• -ohhhhh soooo baddddd! - 20
(Springfield, Ft. Wood , St. Robert)
Ft.WoOd ❤ =) A + Beautiful - ✪ Bliss!!! 4 U ❤ - 23
(Springfield, Ft. WoOd / St. Roberts)
Fort WOOd & St Roberts💲💲💋 Specials Last Day 💲💲Credit Cards Accepted👄🍨🍬sweet with a cherry on top 🍒 🍭spoil you rotten 🍦 - 24
(FoRT Wood st Robert, Springfield)
hey SPRINGFIELD guys come SNEAK away and get a pre FATHERS DAY special with a OKLAHOMA girl!!! 50hr - 23
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
💞💖HeY BoYs!🍭 💎There are sooo many choices but NONE quite like me!🎯. 🍂🌻🍂 I'm Exactly What You need! - 23
(Springfield, Springfield/ Surrounding Cities)
♡♥☆★ Busty Brunette ♡♥ GET TREATED LIKE A KING ☆ Lunch hour specials - 26
(Springfield, Springfield south)
highly reviewd★ SuPeR FrEaKy •★• GoRgEoUs & KiNkY• ★ tOP NoTCH PrOviDeR •★ SPECIALS - 25
(Springfield, Springfield in&out;)
[««»»] Ft. Leonard Wood [««»»] Busty [««»»] > Pretty || |««»» || Latina - 21
(Springfield, Ft. Leonard Wood/ St. Robert Incall)
Sun 12 Jan
Audriauna,19, & here all the way from L@ $ V3G@ $ with $! N C! TY SPECIALS ; D 7026303477 - 19
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
}}}%^£NAST¥' SUPER FRE@K¥'''' EbOn¥ GODDESS!!!!! !!! £^%{{{ OPEN 24/7 - 30
(Springfield, Springfield / Mt. Vernon)
Sat 11 Jan
* ( )( ) 34DD _____ BOMBSHELL ____ 100% REAL __ __ me OR ITs FREE ____ XOXO - 25
(Springfield, nw)
---MoRnInG SpEcIaL---Cute Exotic Curvy girl with skills wanting some company. Very personable ;) - 20
(Springfield, branson)
·.L¤¤k.· N♡·.faRtHeR.· 《Available N♡W》·.outcall specials!! -24 - 24
(Springfield, *417*Spingfield&surrounding;)
Fri 10 Jan
Eager to play♡¤♥ outcall♡¤♥ dont let this go untouched♡¤♥ guarantee the best ♡¤♥ - 25
(Springfield, outcall only)
BaCk On DeMaNd! *NiKKi* UnFoRgEttAbLe LaborDay $pEcIaLz! ** UP ALLNIGHT! ** BeAuTiFuL** ExOtIc MiX - 26
(Springfield, *+*SpRiNgFiELd&SuRR.aReAs;*+*)
LETS PLAY !! Hot Sexy & Fun !! 100% Real Girl ! Real Photos - 38
XO×° EarlyBird Specials °×OXO×° Absolutely Sexy ×°XoX°× Ready Now to Make Your Day! - 23
(Springfield, In-Out)
I want to be your girl tonight
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, hotel room)
Get Paid Up To $40 Per Hour As A Virtual Erotic Performer In An Online X-Rated Computer Game - 36
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Springfield, St. Louis, Online)
I'll be in town tommorow morning Friday the 5th, Make your appointments Now!!! One night Only!!! - 26
(Springfield, surrounding areas out call)
SEXY SATURDAY SPECIAL4'10 85lbs TINY PRINCESS Stl #1 Independent Provider - 28
(St. Louis, anywhere you want me)
Pick this Exotic Hottie for a Very Different Experience!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In your arms ;))
Beautiful day for a little rendezvous... With a sensual stunning lady. - 39
(Springfield, South springfield)
DEE (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) R€AD¥ 2 PLA¥ AN¥TIM€♚☆ OUTCALL SPECIALS 60//100//150 - 28
(Springfield, Outcall Specials)
Thu 09 Jan
♥==> (_!_)HIGHLY REVIEWED(_!_) SeXy *NaTuRaL RedHead* "FiRe" w/ Booty
(Springfield, Springfield(incall))
a sexy companion for all your needs & desires!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, hotel room)
Bad Asx ¥ellow βone√ cause I'm sweet n 💦like honey! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield,and surrounding area branson)
~§w A§ HAvn ☆ Bu NAUGHY A§ HLL ☆ iNCALL $PECiAL$ - 23
(Springfield * South * Incalls Only)
wanna PLAY with BUSTY BRANDY give me a CALL!!!! 80Hr 🚛 - 31
(anywhere u want me babe, Joplin, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, St. Louis)
Interested in WHY reviewed as THE BEST in Springfield? ALWAYS SPECIAL! - 42
(Springfield, Springfield south)
>>> **FLW** Ur SeXy REDHEAD "FiRe" is here for 1 MoRe DaY... DoNt MiSS OuT!
(Springfield, FLW/St Robert(incall))
██████████ ◆SMOKIN HOT ██████ ◆EXOTIC ██████ ◆PERFECT BODY ██████ ◆1OO% REAL ! ██████████ - 24
★☆★☆Exotic beauty with all the right curves to curb your appetite ★☆★☆ - 24
(Springfield, springfield missouri)
Don't let a good thing pass you up ;) Angie's here one more!! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield , marshfield surrounding)
d◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ #1◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ Barbie ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤ ◢◤◢ Bridgette ◤ ◢◤ ◢◤◢◤◢ WELLReviewed - 25
(Springfield, S-field Outcall/southside incall)
Wed 08 Jan