Mon 27 Jan
***** ......... ......... The Ultimate Experience And Extreme Fantasy ......... ........... ******* - 20
Slim, Sexy, & Ready !! For You Baby! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In your arms ;))
Sexy experienced playmate ready to please
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
* REVIEWED exotic BARBIE * Model Type💋TiNy, TiGhT & JuSt RiGhT!! AddICtive BeaUty - 22
(Springfield, South Springfield, mo)
»- ♥-» *•___ S __ W __ E __ E __ T ___♥* __ H__E __A __R __T __ »-♥-»* with A big BOOTY >>>>>>>>>>>> - 24
♥ •T •°• O •°• P•° _ °•O •°• F•° __°•T•° H °•E•° __°•L •°• I •°•N •°• E• ♥ - 23 - 23
(Springfield, Southside)
S€xY ßu§Ty BruNett€ fit 4 A King --~»> Før Yøu® Pl€Å§URÊ Ønly ((100$ InCall)) - 25
(Springfield, OUTCALL & IN)
SeDuCtIvE BRuNeTTe ——» KiLLeR CuRVEs ——» AMaZiNg sKiLLs ——» 80HhR iN. EaRlY BiRd SpEcIaL - 28
(Springfield, South SPFD location In/Outcalls 24/7)
[ *~* S_U_p_E_R *~* ] * (*~* F_a_N_t_ A_ s_T_i_C *~* ) * { *~ 0_U_t_ R_a_G _e_0_U _s *~* } - 21
(Springfield, Joplin)
SwEEt Petite EaRLy ChRiStMaS TReAt, StArTiNg LaTe So Be My 1st Caller... FLaWLeSS FiGuRe - 23
(Springfield, Where Ever U Want Me. incall or out)
SWEET as Candy...HOT as Fire...Make a call YOU Won't regret NOW!! - 34
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, WHERE ARE YOU HONEY???)
~ ~ ~So Sweet & So Sexy You Wont Wanna Leave ~ ~ ~ Specials Specials ! ! ! - 21
(Sprinield,surrounding areas ft.l)
Playtime Gents! Let a real lady rock your world🌹417-297-1647-34 - 34
(Springfield, Springfield, MO and Surrounding Areas)
*** N*UGHTY * R * NICE * She *Can't *Do *It *Like * Me* LET'S* HAVE* FUN*** - 24
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding area)
NoT uR aVeR.bP GiRL*(NeW) ThiCk,BLoNdE, PeTiTe*Others Cant Compete! (incalls all day!) - 23
($pfld¤iNcaLL~oUtCaLL(DO TRAVEL dep), Springfield)
Pretty as Heaven, & Sweet as HeLL!! best MoUtH in the sOuTh ,with the cutest face in the state! - 26
(Springfield, , Flw, Branson, Joplin)
Sexy CURVY BLONDE!♡816-988-1777 I LOVE 2..♡SPECIALS♡come have fun CALL NOW ☆ 24/7 - 25
(incall north kc & downtown, Kansas City)
SeXXXy 🍒SiNFuLL🍑 SwEeT 💋✔EvE✔💋 OutcallONLY ☚☚417💋894💋3160 💋EvE💋 - 28
(Serving NOW Springfield & Surrounding, Springfield)
____S_______E__ ______X________ Y_______** B R U N E T T E*_______G___ ____I________R_ _______L - 26
(Springfield, NorthSideOfTown.Incall&Out;** SPECIALS **)
《■《■《■《■《■ S T O R M Y☆A L L A N A :::(( AMAZING SPECIALS )) ::: [[VERIFIED & REVIEWED]]《■《■《■《■《■ - 28
(Springfield, SOUTHSIDE.. IN & OUT)
Pretty, Sexy, Everything You Want.. Real Beauty!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
***** {{{{{ Sexy & Wide Open for Pleasure }}}}} ***** - 21
(Springfield, OUTCALL SPECIALS(incalls avail))
☎ * :•.♥ • :* _____ • PERFECT 10 • _____ * SEXY RED * :•. ♥• :* ☎ - 21
(Springfield, Incalls / Outcalls)
))---- ► OnE of A KiND mixed HoTTIE •♥• UnRuSHeD aDULt pLaYTiME - 25
(Springfield, Springfield in/out)
♥ Quality Playmate ♥ The Complete Package ♥ TRUSTED Local Provider ♥😊 - 28
(Springfield, in/out calls)
:¦:-♥ Natural RedHead "FiRe" **FLW InCaLL $pecial$** LeTs HaVe SuM FUN!!! ♥ -:¦:- - 29
(Springfield, FLW/St Robert(incall))
S__E__X __X__Y__~__ S__E__D__ U __C__T__I__ V __E__~__ (&)__I__ N_ D__E__P__E__N __D__E_ N__T_ - 28
Pick this Exotic Hottie for a Very Different Experience! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, In town, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
{{Oh Yes We Are The BEST Forget About The Rest)) {{2 for 1 All Night}} - 22
(Springfield, southside Baby! in * out)
Not For The Faint Of ❤️❤️❤️ Mind Full Of Mischief, Body Made For Sin - 25
(Joplin/Springfield OUTCALL ONLY!, Springfield)
New Upscale INCall ♥ Outcall Beauty Ebony MixX Fun LimiteD Time - 20
_____ **(NEW IN TOWN) In or Outcall Available! Book Only When Ready!!!! - 26
(Springfield, Springfield Incall Outcall Too!!)
mIsS hOnEy iS bAcK!! ReDDhOtt! $80 in/ OuT cAll * $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)