Mon 27 Jan
💋ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹N0W🌹 💕 FLaWLeSS 💋💗 Ẹ¥Ẹ ₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖💙ŦØP ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ 💜💜#1 Pure Ebony Doll 💟 KNOCKOUT - 25
(Springfield, south Springfield)
»- ♥-» *•___ S __ W __ E __ E __ T ___♥* __ H__E __A __R __T __ »-♥-»* with A big BOOTY >>>>>>>>>>>> - 24
♥ •T •°• O •°• P•° _ °•O •°• F•° __°•T•° H °•E•° __°•L •°• I •°•N •°• E• ♥ - 23 - 23
(Springfield, Southside)
SUPER THICK ;) S U P E R - S T A C K E D ** P L A Y M A T E ** B I G - B 0 0 T Y*&*T i T S - - 24
Set your GPS for the wildest ride in hot pink sheets await you!.....private incall - 47
(incall, Springfield)
SeDuCtIvE BRuNeTTe ——» KiLLeR CuRVEs ——» AMaZiNg sKiLLs ——» WeLL ReVieWeD ——» WaITinG 4 YoU! - 29
(Springfield, South Spfd In/Outcalls)
**Pure Sweet Pleasure! 💋 ~*~AVAILABLE ANYTIME!!~417-689-6170*💋 - 45
(Springfield, 65 Hwy & Chestnut Expressway)
***Petite Young♨reviewed ! Sweetheart♨ college student 📚 - Fullbody TREATMENT NON Agency discreet - 21
(private/ upscale Incall location, Springfield)
№➊. 🌟💯%Real Try Me! Seconds WILL Be A Preference!!🌟 👐 🇨🅰🇳"🇹👎🇨💋🇲🇵🇪🇹🇪WITH ME➬ - 23
(Incall specials, Kansas City)
♥ Quality Provider♥ The Complete Package ♥ TRUSTED Local Provider ✔✔ - 28
(Springfield, in/out calls)
SeDuCtIvE BRuNeTTe ——» KiLLeR CuRVEs ——» AMaZiNg sKiLLs ——» 100 HhR iNCaLL - 28
(Springfield, South SPFD location In/Outcalls 24/7)
____S_______E__ ______X________ Y_______** B R U N E T T E*_______G___ ____I________R_ _______L - 26
(Springfield, NorthSideOfTown.Incall&Out;** SPECIALS **)
S'E'X'Y ______ N'E'W ___ C'U'R'V'Y_____ W'I'L'D_____ B'U'S'T'Y ____ B'E'A'U'T'Y (B=L=O=N=D=E ) - 35 - 35
《■《■《■《■《■ S T O R M Y☆A L L A N A :::(( AMAZING SPECIALS )) ::: [[VERIFIED & REVIEWED]]《■《■《■《■《■ - 28
(Springfield, SOUTHSIDE.. IN & OUT)
Petite Young 🍒Sweetheart---✅ Reviewed___college student 📚 - Fullbody TREATMENT NON Agency discreet - 21
(Incall- Private location discreet, Springfield)
№➊. 🌟💯%Real Try Me! Seconds WILL Be A Preference!!🌟 👐 🇨🅰🇳"🇹👎🇨💋🇲🇵🇪🇹🇪WITH ME➬ - 23
(Incall specials, Kansas City)
S'E'X'Y ______ N'E'W ___ C'U'R'V'Y____ _ W'I'L'D__ ___ B'U'S'T'Y ____ B'E'A'U'T'Y (B=L=O=N=D=E ) - 34
(springfield outcalls)
SeDuCtIvE BRuNeTTe » KiLLeR CuRVEs » AMaZiNg sKiLLs » 100 Half iNcaLL - 28
(Springfield, South Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
♥ Quality Playmate ♥ The Complete Package ♥ TRUSTED Local Provider ♥😊 - 28
(Springfield, in/out calls)
*•°o☆ EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE ♥ SeXy SeDuCTreSS ☆ YoU WiLL LOVE My SkiLLs ☆°o*•° - 29
(Springfield, Incall/Outcalls 24/7)
NEW.. NEW PICS ☎~☎~☎ ✔I'm ☆Alw@ys ☆On ☆My ☆N@ughtiest ☆Beh@vior!! ✔☎~☎~☎ - - 25
(Springfield, springfield, MO)
((**NeW iN FLW** )) ☆ Na.Ugh.Ty (( HOtTiEs )) Here 2 RoCk YoUr WOrLd (( $80 SpECiAL )) - 23
~ * ~ * Kink¥, $ex¥, all the skills you crave, need and so much more ~ * ~ * - 26
(Springfield, Frt.Wood , St.Robert)
H(O)T ________ ______N(E)W ____ sPEciALS ____ H(O)T _________ ___ (N)E(W) _______ (H)O(T)
Hey U L---(.)(.)---K @ This *J=A=W * *D =R =O =P =P =I =N =G * *B =E =A=U=T=Y* *With CRAZY SPECIALS - 22
(St. Roberts - In - Out - Visiting - New)
* *(¯`' .. '´¯) F R E A K Y ♥W H I T E ♥G I R L (¯`' .. '´¯) * * - 24
(Springfield, *Springfield*)
~~~### Erotic exotic babe just for you 100 Roses all natural and super hot!!!!!! ###~~~ - 27
I am up & R€AdY 2 GO ¡?¿! No Rush, JusT A wHolE LottA FUN. 100$$>\HaLf Hr° Call NOW¡!! - 25
🔥💋Hottie With A Body 🔥💋 New In Town !!! Ready to have some fun 🔥💋 - 28
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
Hey fellas! Its Play Time At Pleasure Island With The Dymund princess - 22
(Springfield, Springfield north)
Hi guys, its Alyssa a.k.a XratedQT. Back in Ft. Wood to show you what it's supposed to be like!! - 24
(Springfield, Ft. Leonard Wood/ St. Robert)
Ft. Leonard Wood ❤ •._.• * ▌A+ (x-(-x-)-x) Beautilful Bliss ▌ ** •._.• ❤ 4 U - 21
(Springfield, St. Robert, Ft. Leonard Wood, Waynes.)
♡ FT.LW Attention Military .... Kiss Me - Kiss Me - Kiss Me - Kiss Me - Kiss Me - Kiss Me - Kiss Me - 24
(Springfield, FT.LW♡ ... ST.R*** Available Now ***♡)
Sun 12 Jan
80 Sp€ci@L•°~ °•Øn€ Dا€ YØU'LL B€ HØØK€D •°~°• GØRG€ØU§ FaC€ & €nTiCiNg BØdY - 30
•° •:* ¨*:•. .•5 STAR I:T:A:L:I:A:N xo G:O:R:G:E:O:U:S ; PLAYMATE •° •¨*:•.SPEC.ALL NIGHT•° •:* - 22
(Springfield, (((( 80 dollars til 12am )))))
💗👙🌴😘🎀 Beautiful BLONDE Doll ===== (( Pretty, FUN and Flirty)) 💖🌴🎀💦 One Of A Kind TIME!!! 💖 - 20
(Springfield, Ft Wood Waynesville St Roberts)
Are you looking for a top notch Provider? I've got the skillz that will have you calling for More - 26
(Springfield, frt.wood / st. roberts)
New Girl Special Dymund Princess InCall Special ....... Available 24 hrs - 22
(Springfield, Springfield (InCall Only))
NEW!🌴eXoTic🌀Courtesan/ CC accepted🌺 Arab/American Princess👑💋No is NOT in my Vocabulary - 22
(Springfield, Your Private Residence only)
Sat 11 Jan
*Angel face with a thick waist* Come be my first!!! - Satisfaction Guarenteed 100% all me .......... - 24
*$* Yours Truly~ NIKKI~ Bk N SpRiNgFiELd!! *$* SeXxI ExOtIc Mixd HoNeY - 26
(Springfield, Springfield incall)
Explore Your Hidden Tranny Desires with Me! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
ȯ Well Reviewed Beautiful Brunette HOTTIE w/ AMAZING SKILLS & KiLLER BODY ȯ 100 InCaLL - 28
(Springfield, South Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
Let me give you that extra boost you deserve - 24
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, Springfield, MO)